Throughout July Summer Nature Classes Wetlands Institute, Stone Harbor, N.J. A
fun hands-on way to learn about the natural surroundings at the Jersey
Shore. Through discovery, science, games, trips and more, explore a new
theme each week, working to promote a desire to preserve the earth's
diversity of life. Dates and prices vary. 609-368-1211.
Throughout July From Sea to Shining sea: 200 years of Charting America's Coasts Various sites through New England, CT, NY & NJ. In
recognition of the 200th Anniversary of the Survey of the Coast (NOAA's
predecessor), NOAA and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition
Service have teamed up to create this exhibit, which celebrates the
history and accomplishments of the nation's first federally funded
science agency. Visit the website for specific information.
July 1-11 Great Hudson River Paddle Hudson River, N.Y. Up
to 30 paddlers and guides will travel from Albany to New York City over
10 days to celebrate the water trail and the diversity and heritage of
the riverside communities. Festivals will be held at a number of places
along the route. Events will range from on-the-water demonstrations to
exhibits about Hudson River ecology and local culture. www.hrwa.org
July 2-3 Parade and Sandcastle Contest Ocean Park, Old Orchard Beach, Me. Celebrate
the Fourth of July with a parade and band concert. Check out square
dancing or take part in the 19th annual sandcastle contest.
207-934-9068. www.oldorchardbeachmaine.com
July 3 Portsmouth Fireworks Leary Field, Portsmouth, N.H. Come
see the annual fireworks show that draws thousands of spectators from
around the region. 9:15 p.m. Free. www.portsmouthnh.com
July 3-4 Cape Ann Independence Day Celebration Manchester and Gloucester, Ma. Two
historic waterfront towns celebrate Independence Day with fireworks,
parades, bonfires, concerts and more. www.capeannvacations.com
July 4 Independence Day 1856 Washington Irving's Sunnyside, Tarrytown, N.Y. A
full day of live entertainment, including dramatic presentations,
rousing speeches, period music and traditional country dancing for
everyone. Play "town ball" (19th-century baseball) with our costumed
guides. Enjoy house tours and ice cream demonstrations throughout the
day. Bring a picnic or buy food in the Courtyard Café. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Adults, $12; children (5-17) $6; children under 5, free.
914-631-0081. www.hudsonvalley.org
July 4 Oceanfest Long Branch, N.J. Oceanfest
is a combination music festival and arts-and-crafts show with games,
rides, entertainment and food—all on the oceanfront promenade.
July 4 Celebration of America Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, N.H. A
real old-fashioned Fourth of July, complete with a children's parade,
traditional games and crafts, historic garden tours, music, living
history, food and fun for all. Noon-5 p.m. Tickets, $7.50.
603-433-1100. www.strawberybanke.org
July 4 Independence Day Mystic Seaport, Ct. Go
back in time and experience an authentic 1870s Fourth of July
celebration. No hoop skirt or handlebar moustache required. Discover an
earlier spirit of independence with special ceremonies, a children's
parade and an old-fashioned spelling bee for kids. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free
with admission. 888-973-2767. www.mysticseaport.org
July 4 Lobster Races Bar Harbor Athletic Field, Park Street, Me. Watch
local businesses put their lobsters to the test in a high-speed
crustacean race. Proceeds benefit the Mount Desert Island YMCA
Scholarship Program. Noon. 207-288-3511. www.mdiymca.org
July 4 Fireworks Over Frenchman Bay Bar Harbor Pier, Me. End
the day with the spectacular display of fireworks over Frenchman Bay at
the waterfront in downtown Bar Harbor. 9 p.m. 207-288-5103.
July 4 Bristol Fourth of July Bristol, R.I. The
annual Bristol Fourth of July celebration, established in 1785, is the
oldest continuous celebration of its kind in the United States.
Highlights include the 222nd Fourth of July Parade and the annual
fireworks display. www.july4thbristolri.com
July 6-7 16th Annual Shake-a-Leg Wall Street Corporate Challenge Cup Newport, R.I. Business
leaders compete aboard the legendary America's Cup 12-Meters. Each team
raises $30,000 for the opportunity to participate, which goes to
Shake-A-Leg-Newport's programs for people with spinal-cord injuries and
nervous-system dysfunction. Spectating free from Goat Island and the
Newport Bridge. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 401-846-5549. www.shakealeg.org
July 6-8 61st Annual Red Grant Regatta Perth Amboy, N.J. Raritan
Yacht Club. This three-day regatta raises funds for diabetes research
and community outreach. There are junior racing events, cruising
sailboat races and two days of intense one-design and PHRF racing.
732-826-2277. www.redgrant.org
July 7 Program Afloat: the Port of New York South Street Seaport Museum, New York City, N.Y. Learn
about harbor use throughout history and about the port's role in the
city's development, while sailing aboard the 1885 schooner Pioneer.
Also learn sailing skills, including raising sail, knot-tying and
chart-reading. Adults, $30; students & seniors, $25; children (ages
12 and under), $20. 212-748-8786. www.southstseaport.org
July 7 Whale of a Day Family Festival Town Bank, N.J. This
annual street festival features art and antiques, a book sale,
activities for kids, local entertainers and more. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free.
609-889-0571. www.capemaybeach.com
July 7 Annual Museum Birthday Portsmouth, N.H. The
Children's Museum celebrates its 24th birthday with cake and ice cream,
as well as special performances and party games. All included with
regular $6 museum admission. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 603-436-3853.
July 7-8 45th annual Wickford Art Festival Wickford Village, R.I. Wander
around this historic town and view a huge collection of artwork by
local artists. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. www.wickfordart.org
July 8 Fourth Annual Race to the Bottom Ashler Lodge, Rockport, Ma. This
unusual race begins with teams making a "boat" out of cardboard and
other wacky items that are included in a prepackaged kit obtained with
a donation of $100. All proceeds for this event are used to help
children in the community. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 987-546-6788.
July 9-13 Schooner Fame Day Camp Salem, Ma. Campers
will raise and lower the sails, trim the sheets, take the tiller, serve
as lookouts and get plenty of practice taking bearings, plotting
courses, interpreting charts, making log entries and tying knots.
They'll also learn about the privateers, fishermen and traders who have
been making history on Salem Sound for 400 years. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Call
for prices. 978-729-7600. www.schoonerfame.com
July 11 Family Dusk Paddle: River Mammals Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, Ma. Explore
the Ipswich River at dusk. Bring your family for an evening paddle in a
canoe and learn more about the river and some of its inhabitants. Basic
instruction will be provided, along with all equipment. Participants
must be able to swim; children between 6 and 16 welcome. 6-8 p.m.
Adults: members, $12; nonmembers, $14. Children: members, $10;
nonmembers, $12. 978-887-9264. www.massaudubon.org
July 13 Third Annual Maine Windjammer Parade Rockland Harbor, Me. An
entire fleet of windjammers sails within a stone's throw of the
Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse. Spectators may view the parade from
anywhere along the mile-long breakwater. Immediately following the
parade, many of the windjammers will anchor next to the jetty inside
Rockland Harbor for the evening. Participants in the parade will
include traditional sailing ships ranging from the Lewis R. French and
Stephen Taber, America's two oldest working coasting schooners built in
1871, to the Angelique and Heritage, the two newest vessels, built
specifically for windjamming. 2-4 p.m. 800-807-9463.
July 13-14 Cape Cod Bay Bass and Bluefish Tournament Northside Marina, East Dennis, Ma. This
tournament, which benefits Dream Day on Cape Cod, has categories for
men, women, children and teams, both commercial and recreational. Entry
fee: $275 per boat of 4; $45 for each additional person.
July 14 30th Annual Antique and Classic Boat Festival Huddy Park, Toms River, N.J. Sponsored
by the Toms River Seaport Society and Museum, this show will feature
Barnegat Bay Sneakboxes and Duck Boats, as well as classic boats 25
years or older. Also check out flea markets, marine vendors, model
boats, artists, music, boat rides and food. 732-349-9209.
July 14-15 North Atlantic Blues Festival Rockland, Me. Featuring
over 15 blues artists from around the world. There will be a blues
"club crawl," with over 15 clubs participating, on Saturday night. Gate
opens 9 a.m. Show starts 11 a.m. $45 for a weekend ticket.
207-596-0376. www.northatlanticbluesfestival.com
July 15 Isles of Shoals Adventure by Kayak Newburyport and Isles of Shoals, Ma. This
all-day trip is designed for experienced kayakers. Participants will be
shuttled by powerboat between Newburyport and the Isles of Shoals and
will paddle from the boat around various islands and Gosport Harbor.
See seals, great black-backed and herring gulls, common terns, black
guillemots and a variety of shore- and land birds. An ondeck barbecue
lunch is included. 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Members, $165; nonmembers, $175.
978-462-9998. www.massaudubon.org
July 19 Learn to Fly Fish Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association, Hope Valley, R.I. Learn
the basics of fly fishing on the Wood River at the Barberville Dam. 9
a.m.-3 p.m. Nonmembers, $10; members, $5, includes the use of a fly rod
and reel. 401-539-9017. www.wpwa.org
July 19-22 24th Annual Black Ships Festival Newport, R.I. The
Japanese called foreign ships "Black Ships" and, with one exception,
excluded them from Japan until 1854 when Commodore Perry negotiated the
Treaty of Kanagawa, the first treaty between the United States and
Japan. The Black Ships Festival celebrates over 150 years since the
signing of the treaty, which brought the two countries together as
trading partners. The Black Ships Festival offers a variety of events
that emphasize Japanese art and culture, including origami, martial
arts and a Japanese tea ceremony. 401-847-7666. www.newportevents.com
July 20-22 42nd Annual Yarmouth Clam Festival Main Street, Yarmouth, Me. Check
out this three-day festival of clams, including a parade, performances,
a craft show, an art show, sports contests, a carnival and a variety of
other family-oriented activities. 207-846-3984. www.clamfestival.com
July 21 Lighthouse, Maritime History & Gardiner's Island Cruise Greenport, N.Y. Board
the Peconic Star II for a cruise on the waters of eastern Long Island
Sound and Gardiner's Bay. Learn about the unique maritime history of
the area, including that of Plum and Gardiner's Islands. Hear about
recent findings regarding the Revolutionary War history of the area and
see where the first engagement between British and Continental troops
took place. The cruise follows the routes of American and British
warships in their 1812-14 naval engagements. 3:30 p.m. Members, $80;
nonmembers, $85. 631-477-4121. www.eastendlighthouses.org
July 21 Delaware Bay Lighthouse Adventure Cape May, N.J. Board
the Cape May Whale Watcher for a five-hour cruise to view six Delaware
Bay lighthouses, including Cape May, Harbor of Refuge, Delaware
Breakwater East End, Brandywine, Fourteen Foot Light and Miah Maull
Shoal. Food is provided. Departs at 1 p.m. $75 per person.
800-275-4278. www.capemaymac.org
July 21 13th Annual Fluke Tournament Point Pleasant Beach, N.J. The
Point Pleasant Elks supports this tournament with $10,000 in prizes.
Entry fee $125 per boat of four anglers; $25 for each additional
angler. www.pointpleasantelks.org
July 21 Lobster Ride Rockland High School, Rockland, Me. A
great bike ride along the Maine coast to benefit the Bicycle Coalition
of Maine. Distances range from 16 to 100 miles. 8 a.m. Call for fee
information. 207-623-4511. www.bikemaine.com
July 21 Blackburn Challenge Gloucester, Ma. Row
or paddle 20-plus miles around Cape Ann in occasionally rough and
always exciting conditions. Sponsored by the Cape Ann Rowing Club. 6
a.m.-3 p.m. $60. www.blackburnchallenge.com
July 21-22 Warren Quahog Festival Burr's Hill Park, Water Street, Warren, R.I. The
Warren Rotary Club celebrates Rhode Island's favorite bivalve at their
19th annual Quahog festival. Saturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday, 11
a.m.-6 p.m. 401-247-2188.
July 21-22 Family Camp Out Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Ct. Pitch
your tent, enjoy a barbecue dinner and join all the great activities,
including a tour of the farm, a walk to the observatory for a look
through the telescope and a show in the planetarium. The next morning
enjoy a pancake breakfast served by the SMNC staff. $125 for the first
adult or child; $25 for each additional person. 203-322-1646.
July 22 Mayflower II sails again Plymouth, Ma. In
celebration of her 50th anniversary the Mayflower II makes history as
she sails to Cape Cod Bay. The select 26-person crew is composed of 8
original members. Ride along in front-row seats on Capt. John's Boat.
For more information or to make reservations, contact Kim Fleischman at
[email protected].
July 25 35th Annual Acadia National Park Outdoor Concert Blackwoods Campground Amphitheater, Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Me. An
outdoor concert with the Bar Harbor Festival String Orchestra, Francis
Fortier, conductor. Carpooling is recommended due to parking
limitations. 8 p.m. Free. 207-288-5744. www.barharbormusicfestival.org
July 25-29 Museum of Yachting Annual 12-Meter Regatta Newport, R.I. A
dozen 12-Meters, representing nearly 100 years of America's Cup
competition, race in the Museum's Annual 12-Meter Regatta. Great
spectating from Fort Adams and Goat Island. 401-847-1018.
July 28 Boothbay Boat Builders & Seafood Festival Shipbuilders Park/Ocean Point Marina, East Boothbay, Me. Tour
famous shipyards, marinas and sail loft and meet boatbuilders and see
their boats. Attend lectures about boats and other nautical topics
given by regional experts, including author Colin Woodard. Board the
sleek 80-foot motoryacht, Lion's Whelp, built in East Boothbay, as well
as other famous working and pleasure vessels. Gigantic seafood spread,
live music, marine exhibits and demonstrations, nautical art show and
sale, popular activities tent for kids. 10 a.m-4 p.m. Tickets $15;
children (to 12), free. Sponsored by the Boothbay Region Land Trust,
207-633-4818. www.bbrlt.org
July 28 34th Annual Boat Show Meredith Public Docks, N.H. Meredith,
the entrance to the White Mountains and beautiful Lakes Region, offers
scenic vistas and lakeside parks and will be a setting for the early
lakers and launches of the 1890-1930 era as well as contemporary
classics. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. www.necacbs.org
July 28-29 Antique and Classic Boat Rendezvous Mystic Seaport, Ct. A
dazzling display of high-quality vessels built before 1963. Dressed and
in pristine condition, approximately 50 classics create a colorful
gathering along the museum's waterfront all day Saturday and Sunday
morning. Midday Sunday, the museum's national historic landmark
steamboat Sabino leads the vessels in a jubilant, costume- and
music-filled three-mile parade down the Mystic River. Saturday, 9
a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free with admission.
888-973-2767. www.mysticseaport.org
July 29-August 4 U.S. Junior Women's Singlehanded Championship Marblehead, Ma. Pleon
Yacht Club. The nation's top female sailors between the ages of 13 and
17 will be competing for the Nancy Leiter Clagett Memorial Trophy in
Laser Radials. This five-day regatta is hosted by US Sailing and marks
the 70th anniversary of the event. 401-683-0080. www.ussailing.org
July 31-August 1 Melville Marathon Mystic Seaport, Ct. Never
got around to reading Moby-Dick? Well, here's the perfect chance. In
fact, someone will even read it to you, in the perfect setting—the last
wooden whaleship in the world, the Charles W. Morgan. Celebrate Herman
Melville's birthday with a 24-hour marathon reading of his classic
novel. Noon-noon. 888-973-2767. www.mysticseaport.org |
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