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Article Offshore Magazine - July 2007
July 2007/Volume 32, Number 7 |
The Odd Couple » Even though Vinalhaven and North Haven, Maine, are almost close enough to touch, the personalities of these two islands are worlds apart. By Ken Textor Read this article And the winners are... » You've done it again! You, the readers of Offshore, have captured the best that boating in the Northeast has to offer in a variety of great photographs. By the readers of Offshore
Weak Link » Experience all-day summer action with weakfish on New Jersey's Barnegat Bay, using the old-school method of grass-shrimping. By Nick Honachefsky
Do You Know It? » Just how difficult are the questions on one of those state boating-license exams? Find out by taking this sample quiz. Edited by Tom Richardson
The Mayflower II turns 50; April nor'easter takes a toll; gearing up for Aquapalooza 2007. By Rick Eggleston
Nautical Know-How
Knowing the difference between towing and salvage could save you thousands of dollars--or your boat. By Tim Akpinar Read this Article
On Boats
Handy Billy 21, AB Nautilus 19 DLX, Polar 220 Bay Boat, Grand Soleil 37 and Seaswirl 3301 Striper. Edited by Joe Myerson
Tried & True
The Maine-built Newman 36 Flybridge Cruiser moves through the water with grace and style. By John Page Williams
Catching Fish
Lightweight and quiet, kayaks can get you into fishy areas where other boats dare not go. By Tom Schlichter
Over the Transom
Clearing customs in a post-9/11 world can involve some challenging sailing. By Tom Perkins
Haggerty at Large This opulent Jazz Age commuter yacht replica can take you down the Hudson--and back in time. By Betsy Frawly Haggerty
From the Helm: Another Boater Born I
slept well that night, secure in the knowledge that my friend and
former boat were safe, and that I had done my part to grow boating.