At the head of Rockhold Creek, off Herring Bay, sits the peaceful and family-oriented marina of Harbour Cove. With friendly, knowledgeable staff, comfortable surroundings and award-winning service mechanics, you are assured that every weekend will be a true vacation! Our amenities include a swimming pool, picnic areas with grills, shuffleboard and horseshoes and clean, bright restrooms with showers and laundry facilities. Our waterside facilities include a fuel dock and fully-stocked supply store. Also, dealer for Angler boats and Yamaha outboards.
Dockage Annual dockage available, wet slips, rack storage, field storage, inside boatel and covered rack
Utilities Laundry, clubhouse, bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, pumpout.
Fuel Amoco gas, 89 Octane
Restaurants Several w/in walking distance
Services Full service marina, Mercruiser, Volvo, Yamaha, Mercury
Supplies Ship Store, Mercruiser, Volvo, Yamaha and Mercury supplies, ice
Payment VISA, MC, checks, cash
Hours Apr. 1-Dec. 1, 7 days, 8 am - 5 pm
Special Pool, picnic area with grill and horseshoe pit, shuffleboard, bi-monthly cookouts, experienced and friendly staff. |
Marvin White and Lynn Schaeffer with Manager Dan Rotondo |
Harbour Cove Marina |
Rockhold Creek
5910 Vacation Lane, Deale, MD
301-261-9500 • 410-867-1600 • Fax 301-261-5067