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VOLUME 30 - NUMBER 12 - APRIL 2000

A Century Under Sail
The Victory Chimes is an old Bay girl come home, the last of the sailing rams. Jane Meneely and photographer Starke Jett celebrate her 100 years afloat.

Beauty and the River
On their trip down the Corsica River, managing editor Jane Meneely and her family find themselves immersed in memory as well as the scenery.

Bay Window: Rocket Man
Though it’s been nearly 20 years since Henry Lauterbach built hydroplanes, his name still stands for speed. By Wendy Mitman Clarke

Fearless Fishing Forecast
According to our man at the poles, John Page Williams, the fishing this year will be better than ever, with bigger fish on the lines and a variety of comeback species.

Wings on the Bay
Bird watching is one of the more laid-back of Bay spectator sports. Writer Marty LeGrand gets us behind the binoculars for a glimpse at what and where the birds are..

Nautical Know-How
The Boating Bookworm—Donald Brands revives the fine art of keeping a ship’s log.

Time-Tested: A Guide to Good Old Boats
Variations on a (Fishing) Theme—The Shamrock 260 has enough style(s) to satisfy any mariner. By Jack Hornor

Marina Hopping
Harbors North—Andi Manchester finds folks shaking out the welcome mat at every marina on the Elk River.

Prop Wash
The Designated Goat—Leon Frank points out some of the foibles of marine design.

Cruise of the Month
Station Stopover—Heading up the Pagan River, Jim Stalnaker and his wife pull into the town of Smithfield, Va.

Reader Rendezvous
A Very Chesapeake Vacation—After an idyllic cruise aboard their new boat, Jill Malcolm’s family was hooked.

Trading Places
Captains, My Captain—Wendy Mitman Clarke introduces us to Jan Miles and Dan Parrott, captains of the Pride II.

Angler’s Almanac
Forward Thinkers—Fishing guides always know where to look for fish, and you can, too. By John Page Williams

Stern Lines
Recognizing Joy—Katherine Brown gathers in the grandeur of time spent on the water.

Reed Creek Journal