VOLUME 31 - NUMBER 12 - April 2002

Northern Exposure Trailer-boating opens up a whole new world for keel-boat sailor Mike Brown, when he and photographer Mike Wootton take on the upper Bay in Woottons open runabout. If youre a trailer-boat wannabe, Richard Rose tells you everything you need to know to get started in Getting Hitched.
True Grit The Volvo Ocean Race comes to the Bay this month and to celebrate its arrival, Nancy Taylor Robson gets us up close and personal with some of the talented Bay sailors who are part of this challenging race around the world.
Lessons at the Tiller History class takes on a whole new meaning for the kids of Marylands Muncaster School, who retrace the ill-fated voyage of the Pearl, the boat that triedand failedto carry a group of runaway slaves to freedom 150 years ago. By Mike Brown
Fishing Forecast 2002 In his annual tell-all, John Page Williams lets the anglers among us know where to go for what and when.
Bay Faces: Gilda Knows And, speaking of fish, Gilda Hinman can tell us a thing or two, says writer Patrick Piper about this fishing maven of Virginias Eastern Shore.
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Nautical Know-How Wired WaterElectricity leaking overboard can have deadly consequences for nearby swimmers. Technical editor Tom Dove tells you how to double-check your boats electric systems for safety.
Time Tested Black BeautyThe Blackfin 29 may not be built for luxury or comfort, but it sure is built for fishing. By Jack Hornor.
Marina Hopping A Northern Neck OasisDiana Prentice pulls into the Chesapeake Boat Basin on Indian Creek, just north of the mouth of the Rappahannock River.
A-Dock Confidential Standing on CeremonyTheres something about weddings that gives writer Jerry Renninger the willies. Maybe its the having-to-wear socks part.
Cruise of the Month A Boat, a Beach, a BlizzardThe weather was beautiful when managing editor Jane Meneely and crew left for Tilghman Creek, at the mouth of the Miles River. It didnt stay that way.
Anglers Almanac Fishing the FlatsThis time of year, the Susquehanna Flats are as full of surprises as they are of fish, says John Page Williams.
Dire Straits Night TerrorsThe collision between a sailboat and a tanker near the Bay Bridge last fall raised a lot of questions about one couples ability to handle a crisis. Of course, a little hindsight goes a long way. By Mike Brown
Stern Lines My New HomeOne trip to the Chesapeake Bay and writer Julie Gammack was hooked. But until she finally settled in Annapolis, she had no idea how lucky she was.
On the cover: Sunlight brightens an anchor at the bow of a cargo ship hustling up the Bay. Photograph by John Bildahl.
Last updated: Tue, Apr 6, 2004